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New Worlds

New Worlds

Dream new worlds.

Dream worlds where there is justice.

Where people who are locked up are freed.

Where anyone and anything in a cage is freed.

Where there are no cages.

Where there is so much singing

And dancing.

Where healing is encouraged and supported.

Where time isn’t commodified,

And neither are people.

Where land is given back

Where peoples’ needs are met,

Where they can flourish and thrive.

Where children aren’t taken away from their families,

Where voids within us are filled with healing and community.

Where love can be seen

And felt

And heard.

Where kids are taught how to love in school,

Not how to do decimal fractions (unless they really want to).

Where people don’t fake orgasms,

Where it’s safe for me to walk around at night,

Where the status quo is fucked with and dismantled,

Where there are no billionaires.

Where people can sleep in

And dream longer

And hold their lovers.

Where gender roles are abolished

Where weeds grow up through the concrete,

eventually pushing through.

Where no one goes hungry,

No one goes unloved,

No one is illegal, and

No one is left behind.

Where capitalism dies off,

Where we cultivate our inner and outer gardens

And the world sees so much gorgeous beauty.

Not the beauty that is through Instagram filters,

But a deep and real and true, profound beauty

One from the spirit.

Where we can all be who we actually are.

Because our hearts are given time and space.

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